Thursday, December 24, 2009

First & last of 2009...

Well... Since I used to blog, but stopped...

Tasha got me in the spirits of blogging again... :)

This will be my first & last post of 2009...

2009 has been a very bland year, except I've met lots of new people, and life has been completely different than I ever thought it would be... But, it just seems to have gone by so fast...

I never thought I would be in a relationship again... I swore off relationships two years ago, but... here I am. In a relationship again. And couldn't be happier actually... I feel like I've met the man of my dreams... If that doesn't sound stupid or cliche'. I truly feel like that.

I've lost best friends & gained new best friends... I've lost good people & gained better people.

I'm very ready for 2010 to be here...&  ready to see what this new year has in store for me, I am very excited for all the new things to come, I can only hope it's all good things. But I'm sure there will be a few trials & tribulations along the way.

Here is to a new year... Keeping the good people in my life, throwing out the bad, and just being happy!


1 comment:

  1. I heart this post. Here is to us being awesome in 2010... well... MORE awesome in 2010!
